Довідкова інформація


“We are a husband and wife writing team. I´m from Sweden my wife from South Africa. WordFinder Professional has made our work so much easier with its clever and user friendly interface. We wholeheartedly recommend WordFinder Professional as a cost effective investment for everyone working in several languages.”

Mats o Karin Eriksson, MEKE AB


“Over almost ten years, I have found WordFinder so useful that it is an almost irreplaceable part of my daily work as a translator. I have also found WordFinder staff to be unfailingly courteous and helpful at all times. In a world where computer systems are often unreliable and difficult to use, and help desks anything but helpful, WordFinder provides an outstanding example of how a professional computer system and its support should work.”

M J Shields, FITI, MTA, MSFÖ


“Компанія The Bugli Company користується сервісом WordFinder уже кілька років. Ми перекладаємо тексти зі шведської на англійську, а WordFinder — незамінний інструмент для цієї роботи. Ми цінуємо швидкий доступ до різних словників, а також внутрішніх глосаріїв, які ми додали до WordFinder.”

Дональд Х’юз, старший партнер, Компанія The Bugli Company AB


“WordFinder is the perfect combination of dictionary application and terminology management tool.”

Hans Karlson, LinguaFranca, professional translator


“As a professional translator I love Wordfinder – it’s transformed the way I work providing authoritative translations and explanations of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian terms, particularly for my legal work. ”

Alex Planidin, professional translator


What translators really need is a very quick and convenient way of copying and pasting terms back and forth between the program in which the translator is working and the terminology tool, and WordFinder does this better than any other terminology management program I am aware of. I highly recommend this product.

Review by Dr Thomas Hedden in the ATA Chronicle (Click here to read the whole article)